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Meet the Team - Andi

Onebody Clinic

Acupuncture, Reflexology, Vertical Reflex Therapy, Massage, Bach Flower remedies, Reiki. What year did you qualify? University of Westminster 2005

What is your favourite body part to work with and why?

As a reflexologist I have to say ‘the feet’ since so much healing can be done via the feet alone. Also many of the most powerful and important acupuncture points are around the ankles and feet. At the extremities Qi is at its most dynamic and the energy flips between Yin and Yang, so much can be achieved from these points.

What is your favourite bit of advice for your clients?

This is tricky as it depends on the complaint and the specific diagnosis but generally ‘to bring in more movement into daily life’. The energy channels that flow around the body like to flow freely and our sedentary lifestyles and stuck emotions lead to stagnation of Qi with its accompanying symptom. Movement, even a brisk walk around the block or up and down the stairs helps to course qi around the body and alleviate mental, emotional and physical symptoms.

What do you get up to in your free time when you are not at Onebody?

I have 3 children so family life is fairly busy. I am a keen rower, do weekly boot camps, and practise yoga and meditation. I also have an allotment where I grow fruit and vegetables

Notting Hill Gate 

5a Lucerne Mews,

Notting Hill Gate, W8 4ED 

T. 0207 018 3980207 018 3980207 018 3980


23-25 Chiswick High Road

Chiswick, W4 2ND

T. 0207 018 3980

Chiswick and Notting Hill Gate  © 2015 Onebody Clinic

West London

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